Sheiko – Example programs

Boris Sheiko is the national coach for the Russian powerlifting team and has produced world champions and world record holders such as Andrey Belyaev, Kirill Sarychev, Yuri Fedorenko, Alexei Sivokon, and Maxim Podtynny. At the time of this writing his atheletes has won a total of 39 gold medal at powerlifting world championships. Which by any standard can be considered impressive.

The most popular way to use the template spreadsheet is to run the template in the following order.

  1. #29: Prepapatory Block; Medium Volume – Medium Intensity
  2. #30: Accumulation Block: High Volume – Medium Intensity
  3. #31: Transmutation Block: Medium Volume – Medium/High Intensity
  4. #32: Realization/Peaking Block: Low Volume – High Intensity

The training program is most relevant for people who no longer can improve they training weights by 2.5-5kg(5-10lbs) per month. Interestingly the rutine stems from Sheiko’s Russian book about powerlifting which has been roughly translated with tools such as google translate. The programs are called #29-32 because they were examples of powerlifting programs and it is worth noting they were never intended as plug and play or copy/paste programs such as for example 5/3/1. Nevertheless lots of people have had great success using them as such.

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